The Liberian civil war, which has been ongoing in recent years, flared up in Ghanta, Liberia at the end of March, and the adults & children of Life Village had to flee for their lives. They are now in the neighboring country of Guinea, and appear to be safe from the war in Liberia.

Mark, Kim and the people of Life Village crossed over to Guinea on Friday, April 11 with the full blessing of the government of Guinea.  This was a small miracle, since the orphans do not possess birth certificates or official identification.  A CMA missions compound has been made available for them to rest while they pray about future direction.

Amazingly, their number has grown significantly during the crises of the past six months.  During this time, Mark and Kim have been repeatedly placed in harm’s way, as the care and protection of the children has taken precedence over their personal safety.  In the most recent violent outbreak, they refused to be evacuated from the war zone without the children.

Please continue to pray that God protects and guides His servants and expands His Kingdom in West Africa.  Also pray that His Spirit moves mightily among the children as Mark, Kim and the workers at Life Camp continue to lay down their lives for them.


All labor for the creation and maintenance of this website was donated at no expense to Life Camp or associated ministries.